It appears to me that all HC boards are more or like look-alikes. They all have some free text about the country and/or rejoin main after drop and/or some other things.
What they all have in common is the next:
SF: xx:xx
PvP: time or text
Country terrain table
My suggestion is to standardize these two by the dev team. In the first place because not everone can make such a table. In the second place because there is only room for a maximum of 3 countries (maybe 4 when skipping all colours).
Usually there are not more than 2 or 3 wars. Bit there are some real exceptions to this rule .
Some development requirements:
* Insert a country on start of war and on end of friend war
* Remove a country a country on end of war and /or change real war to friend war
* The algorithms are quite simple ... Red/Grey/Green background for negative/zero/positive teerain difference
Implementation of this add-on shouldn't be all too difficult. I managed myself to do it in simple Excel. The html-code is straightforward. In case it's needed I'd be glad to give a help on this.