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detailed battle rounds

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:05 pm
by 7th
i don't expect or want this in every single battle result, obviously. but a way to check in some battles and see how did we actually arrived to that result. wanna see a round by round who attacked whom for how much damage, and so on, because that's probably the only way to properly understand the mechanics and why some battles were lost or how do i still get so many injured when i thought i wouldn't have any inj at all .. btw i was looking for that old pvp battle simulator that still doesn't explain why, but used to give you a close idea about results.
the sim i cannot find sadly, but most of all i would really LOVE a peek inside a battle.

Re: detailed battle rounds

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:08 pm
by Tiralan
We won't give inside on the exact details of our battle engine. However, a lot of information is out there.
The FAQ is actually not bad for information, however, interpretating information is an art on itself.
And thats not meant as an insult in any kind, however, figuring it out and maximazing the output in a certain setting comes with experience and putting a brain to it.

If you buy a boardgame like monopoly, there are certain written and unwritten rules which you can follow, however mastering the art of it takes more than just reading text.

That being said, the core of the mechanics are not that hard to understand and im sure you are familiar with them.
Things like pike beats cav and cav beats melee are common grounds to build on.

Giving you (and the rest of the community) the information in numbers (from both sides of the battle) gives away too much information in my opinion. Not only on a spying-your-enemy kind of thing, but also on details of our engine.
That bypasses all our formulas which can be translated back to the core.
Yes, there are random factors that nobody control, but the RNG-engine :).
Yes, there are advanced numbers/skills that take a lot of hit/miss before people get the grasp of it.
Leadership formula and the formula of duelist (which picks which hero fights which) are formulas we dont have all the numbers of, out in the open.
Those are decisions which are set and will not change. Not because we want to bully the players, but there has to remain a part of skill in this game, otherwise people might aswell play a dice game.

Re: detailed battle rounds

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:32 pm
by RoyalPain
What if the information was vague but still allowed for a better hypothesis for the players on what went wrong in a loss? I know very little on the mechanics and it is not something that I care to learn about in its entirety but I do want to have an inkling of an idea as to why a battle was lost or won. Is there any way to provide information to the players that would NOT reveal what you don't want us to have knowledge of?

Re: detailed battle rounds

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:24 am
by Tiralan
Most battles are lost due to the following:
- Mismatch on units, for example hitting full ranking units with arty or hitting pikes with horses.
- Terrain bonusses overtrowing the result
- Losing leadership.

Then there is a forth reason which we will call bad luck.

I cant think of any other reason why you would lose a battle, ofcourse your army not being healthy and thing like that wont help, same with hitting higher ranks than yourself, but I reckon thats all common knowledge.
Which of the possibilities above applied to your loss we are not going to provide, people can talk and ask for help within the community, its a social game after all.