Neptune Returns!

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Neptune Returns!

Post by Nuvelle » Thu May 20, 2021 9:12 pm

Neptune Returns!
Once again we have angered the great god of water and earthquakes. The world is in grave danger! Can you face the wrath of Neptune and survive?

The rules are simple:
Every 2 ticks, 2 cities will sink into the sea and become unusable. Which cities will sink will be visible the tick before as blue cracks will appear on the surface as the sea rises to claim the region.

Early in the age this will not really impact game play and wheels, however after a few days the map will show significant change. Running from your enemies will become harder and and pvp chances might increase. Wars will no longer be between 2 or 3 countries as the available areas will be so limited that you'll need to grab what you can.

Players in a collapsing city will be teleported to their capital as with regular kicks.
Being in your capital doesn't mean you are safe from Neptune either. Capitals are fair game. He'll kill nations if your last city is chosen.

With cities sinking chances are high territories will become disconnected. New sea routes will be created in those events. These will be shown as purple lines over the map.

We will run four Neptune ages with a specific pre-determined map sequence, after which map voting will be reimplemented. The ages will run as follows:
Age 386 Neptune Europe stack
Age 387 Neptune Asia random
Age 388 Regular (map vote) stack
Age 389 Regular (map vote) random
Age 390 Neptune Rome stack
Age 391 Neptune Africa random

Further improvements have been made to the roads. This means there will be more connections and better wheel options later in the age than we saw previously.

*Please note: there is a known issue that standard sea routes will still show on the map even when they have been deactivated. Please ensure you plan your routes carefully when attacking or running! Use the "Bordering Cities" part of the map by clicking territories - this will always be accurate.

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